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Seminole EMT Volunteer Association

The Seminole EMT Volunteer Association (SEMTVA) is a non-profit organization run by a group of dedicated individuals committed to serving their community. Their mission is threefold:

  • Emergency Response: Furnish EMT skills, organization, and manpower to provide critical care during emergencies.
  • Community Education: Promote EMT techniques and practices to the citizens of Seminole, empowering them to respond effectively in critical situations.
  • Resource Acquisition: Raise funds to purchase vital equipment for emergency responders, ensuring they have the tools they need to provide the best possible care.

The association understands the importance of a comprehensive approach to community health. That’s why they welcome individuals with a variety of backgrounds and skillsets:

  • Certified EMS Members: Form the core of the association, providing emergency medical care during critical situations.
  • Non-Certified Support Members: Play a vital role by assisting with fundraising, education initiatives, and administrative tasks.
  • Honorary Members: Recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to the association and the community’s overall well-being.

If you’re passionate about serving your community and making a difference, the Seminole EMT Volunteer Association offers a rewarding opportunity to put your skills to use.


  • Twila Caffey, President
  • Rebekah Guenther, Vice President
  • Kevin Long, Secretary/Treasurer
  • Tina Macharigui, Publicity
  • Margie Loewen, Chaplin