- Conserve Water - Every Drop Matters! Stage 1: Drought Contingency Plan in Effect!
Seminole’s self supplied ground water comes from the Ogallala Aquifer. a critical water source for the community. To ensure compliance with the Safe Water Drinking Act, the City blends raw water with Reverse Osmosis (RO) treated water to enhance the water quality and safety for residents.
Seminole operates a network of 41 water wells across the area. The water infrastructure includes 690,000 gallons of raw water storage, 2,344,000 of product water storage. Two elevated storage tanks, each holding 300,000 gallons of water and seven ground storage tanks.
Approximately 8,000 residents directly benefit from the city’s water system. In 2023, the City pumped 689,7069,081 gallons of water. Seminole’s average daily water usage stands at 1,889,605 gallons.
The water department staff is responsible for the maintenance and repair of all water and sewer lines, meters and fire hydrants.
Staff oversees the maintenance and repair of water infrastructure, including pipes, pumps, and distribution systems. The Water Utilities Department plays a vital role in providing essential water services, ensuring public health, and enhancing the quality of life for Seminole residents.